
I would like to express the diligence and professional attitude of Al Garraf Oil service, Camp boss Khaled Saadeh towards our operation here in Iraq at Nabors Rig 77 . The Camp Boss and his team has done a excellent job of keeping the food quality and overall camp hygiene up to high standards.

The camp runs very smoothly with cleaning, cooking, laundry all happening 24hrs a day. With 100 POB on board almost all the time and many different members coming and going and crews working 2 shifts. There is never any shortage of food, deserts, and different varieties of meals to suit any nationality to make it as nice of a place to stay, that can be done to keep all comfortable and happy. The hygiene and cleanliness is very good and if there is ever any minor issues brought up they are dealt with quickly and with professionalism. The quality of services are getting better day by day,all our people feel at home here.
As Rig Manager, I'm very pleased of his proficiency in handling any situations that has arisen here on Rig 77. I am giving him my full support and gratitude towards the job he has done for the rig.
Trent Zeller
[ Rig Manager Rig 77 ]

I would like to communicate that the catering team has been performing their duties Very Well. Also I am pleasantly surprised to find out how everyone on location is
Very Happy with the progress since the recent move. Mr. Khalid and Mr. Zacharia with the support of staff have made the transition happen easy this time Thanks.
I would like to thank Khalid also for making sure the daily extra cost have been well looked over during the Rig Move w/ all extra support staff, I know it is not easy and demands a lot of scrutinizing and a rigid supervision. As the Senior Wellsite Supervisor representing Halliburton PM I am happy with this good performance.
I would also like to time and thank our new Head Cook Mr.Salameh Jarrah for all of his efforts and taking over the Kitchen and doing so very well from the beginning
very well done and greatly appreciated. I would like to pass on to everyone a great appreciation of the effort done during the rig move and continuing efforts to make life so much better for us all while we are away from our family.

Ongoing inspections in both kitchen and different rooms. Have again resulted in staff is very happy. No complaints have been brought to my attention. Again this is only possible with the hard work performed by all the catering staff and the hard work on making sure it is done due to good supervisors. At this time I would like to take time and send my Best Wishes to all of our Staff And their Family and Wish all of you a Great New Year. Hope to see you again in 2012

Les Caron
[ SWSS HPM Iraq ]

Dear Gents,
I find myself writing to you my gratitude for Numerous Catering Rig 27 a tremendous efforts when preparing not only a wonderful meal; but for the many occasions.
They have excelled them self, I acknowledge also the time and patience that Mr. Soran & Chief Mohamed put into preparing of meal time for Rig Staff, the Meal is very delicious and especially tasty when Chief came; this observation & comments from the extra
services companies as well.

I Noticed also the high effort from room boy and the good housekeeping in camp. Again, I appreciate the efforts of Expats or Locals Catering Staff. Many Thanks & Best Wishes. Your Sincerely
Roslane Brahimi / Rig HSE Specialist

Brahimi, Roslane
[ Rig HSE Specialist ]

l would like to commend the catering team as they have been performing their duties extremely well, for the last month everybody is very pleased with the improving in quality of food and the spirit that staff have. Everything here up to the standard that we expect from a company like AI-Gharraf.

The quality of services was always with a smile, all our people feel homely. The menu and food choices were indeed remarkable here with daily varieties of food and display, also I would like to express the diligence and professiona! attitude of all the backup team with us in giving all the best. Everybody is satisfied, the excellent performance by all the staff and the hard work that they do especially delivering the food from site to site also in Ramadan time.

On behalf of the crew as a Rig Manager, I feel really good and proud to be working and sharing situation onboard in a very honest and safe manner, We're the crew of Rig 32 wish them all the best success in their coming days and our sincere gratitude towards their contribution in keeping us cheering up, all the best and well done, keep it up.

Ramadan Karim
Thanks AI-Gharraf Catering Staff

Senouci Yekhlef Company Man

I wanted to commend you for the improvements made to the catering and food variety that has been introduced lately in the base camp. I am impressed by the dedication of your managers and their ability to adjust to each situation. I personally put a lot of pressure on them this month since we cannot take chances during Ramadan, and they have out done themselves everyday for the last 16 days. My hat is off to them and to their crew.

I want to also thank the new chef, he has impressed us every night with a nice variety of dishes and flavors. Please pass on my appreciation to the team and let us keep the energy up and the food good.

Mohamed Saeed
[ Operations Support Manager Iraq ]


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Al Gharraf Oil Services Limited is part of the Numerus Group of Companies